ceteris paribus

Tarkoititko: cesium

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muiden asioiden pysyessä muuttumatta, ceteris paribus other Other things being equal; with all other things or factorNoun factors remaining the same.
(quote-book)|seriesvolume=no. 42; 50th w:United States Congress|Congress, 2d session, w:United States House of Representatives|House of Representatives Miscellaneous Documents; no. 137|location=Washington, D.C.|publisher=w:United States Government Publishing Office|Government Printing Office|year=1887|year_published=1889|volume=VII|page=123|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=M-mbQTOQmRkC&pg=PA123|oclc=881832145|passage=On closer inspection it appeared that steel annealed at 100° is, cæteris paribus, more easily soluble than glass hard steel; steel annealed at 200° more easily soluble than steel annealed at 100°, and steel annealed at 360° more easily soluble than steel annealed at 200°.


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